my life

My Life

My name is Ermanno Cavallini and I was born in Pisa (Italy) in January 1964

After studying as an expert in aeronautical construction, I obtained my flight license in Lucca in 1984, subsequently I did a year of service in the Air Force as ACDA/L (Assistant Air Defense Controller / conscript). During this year I obtained my 2nd degree civil pilot license (now PPL) in Ferrara.

In the 15 years following, I worked as a Hardware and Software technician for a famous IBM distributor in Tuscany, completing all the way from precarious assistant to area manager for the provinces of Pisa and Livorno. Parallel to the flight activity as a tourist pilot, I am involved by a programmer colleague, in the then pioneering world of ultralight aircraft.

Together we bought used, a ultralight weedhopper Jc 31 two-seater tubing and canvas. Since the law that finally decreed the birth of the category in Italy was published, I have been working as an instructor obtaining in 1992 the certificate of instructor VDS n. 00023. In the following years I also became a hobbyist aircraft builder . First building three aircraft from kits or drawings and then making my own prototype covered by patent of industrial invention in 1997.

In 2002 I separated from my first wife, with whom I had my first two children, and I went to live in Fano in the Marche region, where I joined a new partner with whom I had my third daughter. Here, completely without knowledge, I experimented with various jobs including real estate agent, welder and then production manager of a small metalworking plant, to move, on after the closure of this, to the nautical sector where, I always starting from scratch, I worked for various brands including the Ferretti Group Yachts, until he became foreman of a group of 5 carpenters.

At the same time I start flying again as a pilot at the airport of Fano. After a couple of years I was called by the extraordinary commissioner of the Aeroclub of Pesaro, the General Enrico Pinto, to direct the flight line of this historic aeroclub. Unfortunately after three years the aeroclub implodes for bureaucratic/ administrative issues, at this point I move to the airfield of Senigallia north-Cesano where I found the association “Il Gabbiano” that is still active today. Association that comes in the years, to manage three aircraft – a school plane, an amphibious aircraft and an advanced single-seater – and about 60 pilots.

In the meantime comes the economic crisis and in particular that of the nautical one that to Fano assumes devastating dimensions starting from 2009. In this new context, closed the nautical establishments, I try to found a new company for the production and maintenance of flying boats for yachts. At the beginning we have a fair success with two aircraft produced, but then a lack of regulations creates problems with the harbour masters who apply a radically different interpretation for each captaincy, and which cause lastly, the premature end of the project.

The years of layoffs and then unemployment pass, in which I become president of the unemployed association of the province of Pesaro-Urbino and I become aware of many social problems, even at a systemic level, that I wasn’t aware of before.

In 2014 I founded the association “New cultural orientation” which, after a journey of collective intelligence involving around 17,000 people and lasting around three years, ended up publishing “Capitalism with a double safety valve”.

After an experience as educator of disabled psychiatric made during the civil service, assigned to me as unemployed, at the laboratory of road signs protected in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, I decide to orient my work in the social sector.

Since 2016 I have worked as night operator 6 days a week in a second reception center for unaccompanied foreign minors, where I acquired considerable experience in the sector. At the end of the project, I move to the cooperative “Vivereverde” of Senigallia where, until December 2023, I carry out the service Emergency Minor for more than 40 municipalities in the Marche region.

Given the commitment of only two weeks out of 4 in the social sector, I start other jobs in parallel that I do in the time left free from the emergency social service for minors. Among these, I am a security guard with specialization in maritime and railway security at the port of Pesaro. I have also obtained the qualification of certified photovoltaic installer that allows me to dedicate myself also to small systems, suitable for those who do not own a house but is renting; systems that are normally snubbed by larger companies because they are not very profitable. In the free mornings, I do various jobs, including lately, the carpenter in a shipyard that builds sailboats over 10 meters.

From January to July 2024 I worked for EXXRO as a manager of the industrial wastewater treatment plant, at the Ca’Asprete landfill, Pesaro.

From mid-September 2024 I will evaluate which new path to take in my personal career path.

In short, I am a person who places particular pride in the variety of his roles and activities, since this allows me to see problems from multiple points of view, and perhaps solve them better.

I would really like to be able to pass on what I have learned to the new generations.

For anyone who wants to contact me, these are my contact details:

Ermanno Cavallini Cell.+39 3392006705




2 nd service email: